
Tanner LLC Privacy Notice

Privacy Policy

 This Privacy Notice applies to individuals or clients (“you”) whose personal information and data (“Personal Information”) is provided to or obtained by Tanner LLC (“Tanner,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) in connection with Tanner’s services to or for you, or your use of our website. Please read this Privacy Notice carefully to understand how Tanner collects and uses your Personal Information and data. This Privacy Notice applies to all Personal Information that we receive from various sources, as outlined below. By using or accessing Tanner’s website(s) in any way, or by engaging in transactions with Tanner through any other means, you signify that you have read and understand this Privacy Notice.

Personal Information Collected

Tanner may collect various types of Personal Information from you, such as:

  • Full name

  • Email address

  • Home address

  • Home telephone number

  • Date of birth

  • Gender

  • Company/employer name

  • Government identifiers (such as social security number)

  • Bank account information

  • Credit card and debit card information

  • Social Security number

  • Brokerage account information

  • Retirement account information

  • K-1s from S-Corps, partnerships, estates and trusts

  • Information about your electronic device and online activities, including your IP address, browser type, domain name, access times, geographic location, referring website address and other technical information

Sensitive Data: In connection with our client acceptance process, Tanner may collect Personal Information about you that may be considered sensitive information under applicable privacy laws, such as your social security number, payment card or bank account information, and/or history of any criminal activity.

Children’s Data: Our website is not intended or designed to be used by anyone under the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from any person we know to be under the age of 13. However, we may collect children’s or minors’ Personal Information from their parents or guardians where relevant to the services we are providing to them.

How We Collect Personal Information

Tanner may collect Personal Information about you from, among other places:

  • Information you provide directly to us, whether via secure file transfer, contact information submitted by you via our website, email, orally, in written documents, or otherwise.

  • Information regarding the services that Tanner provides or has previously provided you.

  • Information Tanner receives from our affiliated entities or third parties relating to the establishment of our relationship or the provision of services to you.

  • Information that Tanner receives from third parties, including for fraud protection purposes, credit checks, address verification, account authentication and verification, and other business and commercial purposes.

  • Information about your electronic device and online activities is collected automatically by Tanner when you visit our website, including your IP address, browser type, domain name, access times, geographic location, referring website address and other technical information. This information is collected through use of Google Analytics cookies and other online tracking technologies.

This information can be received in any manner, including in in-person discussions, telephone conversations, and electronic or other written communications.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies:

Our website uses Google Analytics and its cookies and technologies to support website functionality, perform analytics, understand user interactions, and for other related purposes. These technologies may collect information about your device, preferences, and other relevant details. For more information on your choices regarding these technologies, please refer to the

Your Rights Relating to Your Personal Information” section below.

Types of Cookies Used:

  • Necessary Cookies: These cookies are necessary for you to browse the site’s webpages and use their features, e.g. accessing secure areas of the site. Without these cookies, certain aspects of the site may not be available to you. We collect information about how you use the site, e.g. which pages you most often visit, the time you spend, which links you click on, and any issues encountered. These necessary cookies help us understand how visitors interact with the site. All information collected is aggregated and does not identify you.

  • Preferences Cookies: These cookies collect information about how you have used the site in the past and allow the site to remember the choices you have made. These cookies allow us to improve how the site works for you and tailor the site to your preferences.

How We Use Your Personal Information

Tanner collects Personal Information about you:

  • To establish our relationship with you and communicate with you

  • To provide you with services you have requested either from Tanner directly or from a third party for which Tanner is a subcontractor

  • To keep you informed of services we think may be of interest to you

  • For our business purposes, including addressing customer service issues; improving our services and products; processing sales leads, quotes, invoices and payments; collecting debts; planning and conducting marketing activities, consultations, seminars, webinars, and demonstrations; responding to inquiries; conducting research and analytics, security monitoring, and business operations and administration; and addressing tax and other regulatory requirements

  • Pursuant to law, regulation or rule, or for the protection of Tanner or others

Without your Personal Information, Tanner may be unable to provide you with the services you have requested.

Our Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Information

Tanner may share Personal Information about you with others, such as:

  • Our affiliates

  • Third parties in connection with the provision of services to or for you, in connection with a business transfer, or for legal processes and protections

  • Government entities and regulatory bodies

  • Those with whom you have requested us to share information

  • Other third parties: We may disclose, share, or make available your information with our third-party service providers, business partners, and other third parties, such as credit / debit card processing partners, partners that facilitate billing, shipping, and customer service, third-party auditors and law firms, marketing and advertising networks, data analytics providers, and third parties that help protect against malicious or illegal activities

Tanner requires third parties who perform services for us to agree to treat Personal Information about you confidentially and securely. Unless restricted by law, regulation, contract, or professional standards, Tanner may transfer Personal Information about you outside the United States to other countries for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice.

Tanner will provide notice and obtain your consent before:

  • Sharing Personal Information about you with an unaffiliated third party who is not performing services for us, or we for them, except if such sharing is otherwise permitted by this Privacy Notice, or

  • Using sensitive Personal Information about you for purposes not described in this Privacy Notice.

Tanner does not sell or lease Personal Information about you to others. Notwithstanding the foregoing, certain of our online tracking technologies may be considered a “sale” or a “share” of your information to third parties under the California CCPA or other applicable privacy laws. Visitors to our website can opt out of being tracked by these technologies by contacting us as described below.

Your Rights Relating to Your Personal Information

You may request access to the Personal Information that Tanner has about you. You may also request the correction, amendment, or deletion of Personal Information about you that is inaccurate. Tanner will treat request for access, correction, amendment or deletion of Personal Information about you in accordance with its internal policies and applicable legal requirements.


  • Necessary Cookies – Always active. These are required for our website to function.

  • Optional Cookies, Advertising Cookies and Other Advertising-Related Information Sharing – please use the “block all cookies” setting on your browser or contact us as set forth below.

Our website may collect information about your online activities across different websites.

To exercise your rights or change your data choices, including a request to opt out of sales, please contact us as set forth in the “

Contact Information” section below.

Unsubscribing to Email Marketing Communications: If we are sending you email communications primarily of a marketing nature, an ‘unsubscribe’ option is provided in the footer of every email. You may also contact us directly to unsubscribe to marketing emails or other marketing communications, at the contact information set forth in the “Contact Information” section below. If you have agreed to receive marketing communications, you may always opt out at a later date.

Your California Privacy Rights. This section applies to California residents only.

The following disclosures are made pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act and its implementing regulations (collectively, the “CCPA”).


  • Personal information. This is information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to you or your household.

  • Sensitive personal information. This is information such as your social security number, driver’s license number, state identification card, passport number, account log-in and password, financial account and password, debit or credit card number and access code, precise geolocation information, race, ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, union membership, the content of your mail, email or texts other than those communications you have with us, genetic data, biometric information, health information, or information that concerns your sex life or sexual orientation.

  • Sell, sale, or sold. This means the selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or other means, your personal information to a third party for money or other valuable consideration.

  • Share, shared, or sharing. This means the sharing, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or other means, your personal information to a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising, whether or not for monetary or other valuable consideration.

California Residents’ Rights: If you are a California resident, you or an authorized agent you designate on your behalf may submit the individual requests outlined below. Upon receipt, we will take reasonable steps to verify you and your authorized agent’s identity prior to responding to the request, which may include in certain circumstances you signing a declaration under penalty of perjury. If an authorized agent is submitting a request on your behalf, you must submit a copy of: (1) a written authorization demonstrating you have authorized the agent to submit a request on your behalf; and (2) provide separate proof verifying your identity.

  • Right to Know. You have a right to request that we disclose, subject to certain exceptions, information concerning: (1) the categories of personal information we have collected from or about you; (2) the categories of sources from which we have collected that personal information, and the business or commercial purpose for the collection; (3) the categories of third parties with whom we have shared, sold, or disclosed your personal information, including the business or commercial purpose for said sharing, selling, or disclosure; and (4) specific pieces of your personal information, subject to appropriate exceptions.

  • Right to Delete. You have a right to request that we delete your personal information, subject to certain exceptions.

  • Right to Correct. You have a right to request that we correct your personal information, subject to certain exceptions.

  • Right to Opt Out of the Sale or Sharing of Personal Information. Certain of our online tracking technologies may be considered a “sale” or a “share” of your information to third parties under the CCPA. Visitors to our website can therefore opt out of being tracked by these technologies by contacting us as set forth in the “Contact Information” section below. We have no actual knowledge that we sell the personal information of California residents who are under 16 years of age. You may request us not to share your personal information for marketing purposes. However, it may be necessary for us to share your personal information with some business partners in connection with providing our services and website functionality.

  • Right to Non-Discrimination. You have a right to exercise the above rights without being discriminated against under the CCPA.

  • Exercising Your Rights. To submit a request, you may contact us as set forth in the “Contact Information” section below. You may also designate an authorized agent to submit a request on your behalf by emailing or mailing us written proof of such authorization as set forth below.

  • Responding To Requests. Once you have submitted your request, we will respond within the time frame permitted by applicable law.

Notice of Collection:

  • To learn more about the categories of Personal Information we collect about California residents and how we collect it, please see “Personal Information Collected” and “How We Collect Personal Information

  • For more information about how we use those categories of Personal Information, please see How We Use Your Personal Information” above.

  • To learn more about how we disclose categories of personal information, and the categories of third parties with whom we disclose such information, please see “Our Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Information” above.

  • To learn more about how long we keep your information, please see “Retention Of Personal Information” above.

Notice of Disclosure for a Business Purpose: To learn more about the categories of personal information we have disclosed for a business purpose, and the categories of third parties with whom we’ve disclosed such information, please see “Our Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Information” above.

Notice of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information: Certain of our online tracking technologies may be considered a “sale” or a “share” of your information to third parties under the CCPA. The categories of personal information we may “sell” or “share” in these circumstances includes your IP address, persistent online identifiers, ad identifiers, similar information about your devices and browsers, and information about your engagement with our website, products, and communications. We have no actual knowledge that we sell the personal information of California residents who are under 16 years of age.

Notice of Use of Sensitive Personal Information: We do not use California resident sensitive personal information for any purpose other than is permissible under the CCPA. Specifically, we do not use sensitive personal information of California residents to derive characteristics about California residents.

Other U.S. Privacy Rights: Other U.S. states, including Utah, Colorado, Virginia, Oregon, and others, have passed comprehensive privacy laws that are in effect as of the date this Privacy Notice was last updated, or are scheduled to go into effect in the near future. Some municipalities have also passed specific laws protecting certain privacy rights. Tanner’s policy and intent is to comply with all applicable obligations under these state and local privacy laws.

Information Security

Tanner maintains reasonable physical, administrative and technical safeguards to protect Personal Information from loss, misuse, or unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. Our personnel and the personnel of our affiliates are provided access to Personal Information about you only if they need to know the information in connection with a legitimate business purpose, such as (i) the provision of services to you or (ii) to help identify other services that Tanner and its affiliates offer that may be of interest to you.

Retention of Personal Information

We retain your information for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, our business needs, and our legal and regulatory obligations. When disposing of your information, we do so in a commercially reasonable manner considering its sensitivity.

Links to Third-Party Sites

This Privacy Notice only applies to information collected by Tanner and our website. We are not responsible for the privacy of any information you disclose or post in public forums, or for the privacy practices of websites operated or owned by third parties. Our website may contain links to third-party websites and services, which operate independently and have their own privacy policies and notices. We encourage you to review these policies or notices before engaging with those websites. We do not endorse or make representations about the informational content, products, services, software, or other materials available on another website.

Changes to This Privacy Notice

Tanner reviews this Privacy Notice periodically and reserves the right to update it from time to time. Tanner will post any changes on this page and may also provide notice of material changes to our Privacy Notice on our website home page and/or via email to our clients. You should also refer back to this Privacy Notice on our website frequently to review any revisions. If you object to any changes to this Privacy Notice, you may close your account and discontinue use of our website and services. We will request your explicit consent to such changes where necessary.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this notice, please contact your engagement partner at Tanner or privacy@tannerco.com. Our address is:

Tanner LLC

36 S State St #600

City Creek Center

Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Email: privacy@tannerco.com

You may also call us at 801.532.7444.